
Recent news stories have highlighted the results of having cartels operate with impunity across the Western Hemisphere. There are very few limits to the reach…

March Immigration Numbers

President Biden and Vice President Harris have begun a charm offensive to reduce irregular immigration. Migrants that are apprehended crossing the border illegally hit a…

Devaluations in the FX Market

Markets have been struggling with volatility in the Forex market since the beginning of the pandemic as countries have struggled to balance the protection of…

Central America and Drug Cartels

Central America has long been a transit point for cocaine from South America to North America but the situation in the region is changing rapidly.…

Ramifications of Drug Cartels In Mexico

Violence continues to flare up around Mexico as the government continues to actively blunt American efforts to stem drug cartels’ efforts to ship drugs throughout…

Attack on US Embassies

There has been a rash of incidents at American embassies that indicates that American embassies are now easy targets for bad actors. The United States…

Rising Interest Rates

The recent market turbulence caused the 10 year treasury rate to drop from 2.05% to 1.74% in just two weeks. This drop signals that investors…

Heads of The Drug Cartels

The cartels in the Americas have been smuggling drugs, weapons, and cigarettes for more than 40 years and have taken advantage of America’s lax infrastructure…

Drug Trafficking

Drugs have become an epidemic in the United States as overdose deaths have reached record highs. Deaths have topped 100,000 people for the first time…

Immigration Crisis At The Border

Immigration has been in the news recently as numbers have spiked across the southern border. Southwest border encounters have reached recent highs as coyotes have…

The Case for Investment In Mexico

America’s losses in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam and North Korea have been felt across the globe. Afghanistan’s heroin trade is pervasive across Asia, the situation in…